Q: Why should I contribute to the Y?

A: When you contribute to the Y, you are helping to level the playing field for children and families in our community whose ability to stay connected to healthy, positive activities and programs is otherwise limited by income. It’s like a welcome mat that tells all members of our community that they are valued and cared about and that you, as a donor, want everyone to have the same fair chance to live fulfilling lives, without income as a barrier.

Q: Doesn’t my Y membership support the Y’s philanthropic efforts?

A: No. Membership fees only cover operational expenses.

Q: Can I direct my gift to stay in my community?

A: Yes! Donors may direct their gift to support Y activities in any of the communities  we serve; to Y membership assistance; to specific Y programs (such as preschool or camp), or wherever the need is greatest.

Q: How will my contribution be used?

A: Donor contributions provide financial assistance and program support enabling children, individuals and families to participate in Y life who otherwise couldn’t afford to do so. Our goal is to provide Y experiences to all those seeking one, regardless of their ability to pay.

Q: Who provides funding to the Y?

A: Our charitable funding is generated from individual and corporate donors, foundations and grants.

Q: What other fundraising does the Y do?

A: The expansion and/or building of local Y’s is accomplished through our Mission Expansion capital campaigns. For more information, please CLICK HERE.