Y Early Head Start and Head Start Preschool, Trusted Family Programs

As one of the largest providers of Head Start services in Maryland, the Y in Central Maryland is a Grantee for Head Start in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City and Baltimore County. Our programs are licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education Office of Child Care and combine a safe and happy educational environment with a curriculum designed to stimulate intellectual, social, and emotional growth. Our main objective is to prepare young children and their families for success in school and life. 

We serve more than 1,700 families with children from birth to age five, as well as expectant families, in over 40 Y Head Start and Early Head Start locations. We take pride in providing a clean, safe environment where children can learn while they play, make new friends, and get the nurturing care they need to grow and thrive as they prepare for kindergarten and beyond.

Services for Children and Families

Y Head Start programs help children get ready to succeed in school and in life through learning experiences tailored to their changing needs and abilities. Our programs do this in a few key ways:

  • Early Learning and Development
    Welcoming learning environments; highly qualified teachers; proven curriculum focused on school readiness; providing children with a solid, coherent and holistic foundation for learning; learn through play, creative expression, guided activities, etc.; ongoing assessments to ensure progress; engage families as their child's first and most influential teacher; support children with disabilities
  • Health and Wellness
    Nutritious meals; physical activity and exercise; health screenings for children; promote oral health and hygiene; help families understand their child's health and behavioral health needs; assist with mental health services as needed
  • Family Well-being
    Prenatal education for expectant families; parenting workshops and professional development; connect families to resources to help achieve their goals, including housing, employment, education, and economic mobility
  • Family Engagement
    Open door policy for parents; parent leadership opportunities on Advisory Committees, Policy Council, and more; celebrate the role of fathers and male caregivers through father engagement; engage parents as their child's lifelong advocate  

Y Family Membership Included

Being a part of a supportive, active, and caring community is essential to good health and well-being. That’s why all families enrolled in Y Head Start preschool and Y Early Head Start automatically receive a Y family membership to stay active, build strength, enjoy healthy family fun, and connect with others. The membership continues annually at no cost, even during school holidays and summer months, provided you re-enroll in Y Head Start/Early Head Start each year.

Learn More About Programs in Your Area

Y Head Start and Early Head Start are fully funded programs. Families must apply for their children to participate. Eligible participants include children whose families meet the federal low-income guidelines.

View Our Latest Community Report

Our community report gives a comprehensive overview of the impact and performance of our Head Start programs over the past year. Check it out! The vibrant photos, graphics, and personal stories make it very informative and enjoyable.

View our 2023 Community Report


Y Head Start participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) program. Click to see the CACFP non-discrimination statement.