Preparing Children and Families for Success

The Y in Central Maryland provides qualifying families with safe, high-quality Y Head Start and Y Early Head Start programs for pregnant mothers, infants and toddlers, and children ages 3-5. We offer early learning, prenatal education, health, nutrition, and family support - all at no cost to parents.

Located in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City and Baltimore County, there are over 40 Y Head Start and Y Early Head Start Centers throughout central Maryland. Our programs are licensed by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Office of Child Care.

Now Accepting New Families

TO GET STARTED: Select your region from the blue menu bar above or click below to see what Head Start programs and locations are available in your area, then complete the pre-application form. A member of our team will contact you for additional information and to confirm eligibility.

To help determine if your family meets or exceeds the eligible income levels for participation in Head Start, please view this chart.

What Parents Are Saying

 "The teachers are friendly and it's a safe environment. I am thankful my child has this early learning experience to help her learn and grow."

- Y Head Start Parent


 "The teachers are super supportive and accommodating. My child literally gets school sick at home because the experience is so wonderful for him!"

- Y Head Start Parent


"The Y’s home visitor is very nice. She teaches and interacts with my child to help with her growth and development. She also takes us to social activities, which helps us to be a part of the Y family.

- Y Early Head Start Parent



Y Head Start participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) program. Click to see the CACFP non-discrimination statement.