Monday Mission Update - 2022.03.21

It looks like spring has arrived, with the familiar pattern of one day being sunny and 70 degrees and the next day windy and barely 50 degrees.  Knock on wood, the arrival of the new season has coincided with significant improvement in the public health environment, giving us all a double boost of optimism.  To make matters even better, Y family centers are buzzing with activity, our early childhood and youth programs are doing amazing work serving children and families throughout central Maryland, and participation in our programs continues to steadily increase, with Y camp enrollment being higher than it has ever been at this time of year.

The Y brings together individuals and families from across the spectrum of our communities and programs, with everyone seeking something both personal and communal.  Ethna Hopper is a member at the Orokawa Y in Towson who recently took the time to write a very thoughtful commentary about her experience returning to the Y after a brief absence. For what I think will be obvious, her comments were quite striking.

Ethna writes:

"I joined the Orokawa Y last year at the urging of a friend, but since I knew no one there I didn't go; I was intimidated by the size and innumerable offerings. However, this year at the end of summer, coming out of the Covid-19 withdrawal, I decided I needed to explore the Y again. There was a program on offer that included a couple of meetings with a trainer, and I took advantage of that. The young man who worked with me was exceptionally kind and helpful, encouraging me to keep coming, explaining many of the machines to me, and instructing me on how the different programs worked.

I signed up for a series of training sessions with Lucia Perfetti Clark, and I think it is the best choice I have ever made for improving my life!

First of all, it's a lot of fun. Second, she is a particularly personable young woman and we have formed a bond, united by the goal of getting me more fit and ready to withstand the oncoming results of advanced age. (I am 84 right now, but I see it coming).

Having this relationship with Lucia has motivated me to get going. I am at the Y almost every single Monday, Wednesday and Friday early in the day.

Besides all this, I love going to the Y. Seeing all the busy people, young and old, streaming into the building early in the morning, all ready to take on their physical improvement task is very satisfying.

The spirit, the welcoming friendliness... the beautiful condition of the facility,  are definitely a draw and they are the reason, at first, that I returned to the Y after my first, failed enrollment.

Thanks for all you do."

Despite her relative youth (ahem…), Ethna’s comments speak of a deep level of wisdom about both the value of regular physical activity and the essential need for human engagement. I definitely share her joy in seeing "all the busy people, young and old, streaming into” our Ys, and lately, that wonderful “vibe” that had been lost during the past two years has returned with more regularity.

To Lucia Perfetti Clark and Ethna, the Y community is very lucky to have you in our world. You are clearly bringing to life the promise of the Y’s mission and values. After all, the Y is not a building; it’s a community made up of people who care about each other.  Thanks so much for embodying that.

All the best,

John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland