
The success of the Y largely centers on our ability to be a truly inclusive organization; one that welcomes and facilitates access to healthy Y community life for all. And, of course, truly inclusive communities are so much more than meets the eye. They are the meeting ground where people organically encounter those they may otherwise not encounter in other aspects of their lives. They are where we experience the richness of the diverse culture in which we live, and where we discover the vast ties that bind; the fundamental needs that are our common humanity.

In today’s increasingly polarized world, without being intentional about inclusion, we are left to only operate inside a tight bubble of homogeneity. This is neither healthy nor productive for any of us. When we connect in community, we are broadening our perspective and afforded the opportunity to build relationships with people who are, on the surface, different than us.

This is one of the several reasons we recently simplified the process to access the Y’s Open Doors program, which provides reduced rates for those who need financial help to participate in Y membership and our many Youth Development programs. These changes enable access to the Y at income levels that are more than three times higher than the federal poverty rate. At the Y, we never want price to be an obstacle to inclusion.

Monday Mission Update Open Doors

None of this would be possible without the generous support of our donors and volunteers, along with the hard work of the many Y associates who inspire and facilitate their generosity. Their collective devotion to the cause of building an inclusive, connected and healthy community enables thousands of children, youth, individuals and families to lead richer and fuller lives.

All the best,

john signature
John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland