Monday Mission Update - 2021.09.07

After 55 days of Y camp came to a close a week ago, Matt Lewis, Executive Director of the Y in Pasadena, recently remarked that "the days may have been long, hot, and tiring; however, the work you all performed this summer will have an immeasurable impact on the lives of children across the region. You were able to provide some ‘normal’ in a year of uncertainty."  

When registration for Y Camp opened in January of this year, we received a few sideways glances. That was understandable as the unknowns clearly outweighed the knowns.  We didn't know what the status of COVID would be this summer; we didn't know how effective the vaccine rollout would be; we didn’t know when vaccines would be available for kids; we didn’t know if we’d be able to hire counselors in a year in which the labor market has been particularly challenging; and the list went on from there. But what we did know, and never lost sight of, was that children needed to get outside, unplug from screens and have memorable summer interactions and opportunities. We knew that parents needed a break from the incredibly demanding virtual school year. And perhaps most importantly, we knew that the Y had the expertise and know-how to deliver a safe, fun and meaningful summer camp experience, despite all of the unknowns.

Based on the impressive numbers of campers who showed up (even more than we had projected – it’s always good to be wrong like that) and the comments that flooded our weekly camp surveys, it’s clear that parents and campers appreciated the yeoman efforts of our dedicated team of camp associates who came to work every day ready to lead, help, inspire, play, nurture, and teach. And to search for lost water bottles…

Here are just a few of the comments and pictures that capture the sentiment of the 2021 camp season and the magic of rediscovering summer fun. Please enjoy! Oh, and the image of the shoe shows the special tribute one camper gave to Y Camp after attending camp this summer.


"I wanted to let you all know how appreciative we are of your work to give all the kids such a wonderful camp experience. It has been so special for them and we are especially thankful that they get this time to explore and have fun after a difficult academic year." Lenore, Y Camp Puh'tok

"My kids absolutely loved camp and are already asking to go back. The camp team was very professional & were always very helpful. Although there was a lot of preliminary paperwork, I really appreciated it, given some camps I have encountered this summer were not nearly as organized and/or prepared. Made me feel much better about the environment I was sending my children into given we were new to the area and the current Covid situation. Would recommend 100%." Olivia, The Greater Annapolis Y in Arnold

"My son had an amazing time at camp and was constantly engaged and made lots of friends. I like that all the counselors greeted you at pick up with smiling faces and said hello and goodbye to the children by name. It gives a nice sense of community." Brian, The Hill Y in Westminster

A special thanks goes out to all of the Y’s associates who contributed to making this a great camp summer, despite the extreme weather, COVID resurgence, workforce hiring challenges and all of daily twists and turns in the road that come with camp. I especially want to thank Ikeia Prince (whose day job is leading our Before and After School Enrichment program) and the aforementioned Matt Lewis (whose day job is running our Y in Pasadena).  Both of them jumped in with both feet to lead camp after the unexpected departure at the beginning of summer of longtime camp leader Lana Smith (who moved to Florida with her husband). And of course, an extra special thank you to Dana Ashley, VP of Youth Development Operations, whose steady, intelligent and unflappable leadership continues to amaze all of us every single day!

All the best,

John K. Hoey
President and CEO
The Y in Central Maryland