Mealtime with Molly: Increase Fruit

Mealtime with Molly

Similar to our conversation about vegetables, American diets are lacking in fruit and our health is suffering as a result. Health organizations recommend 2 to 3 servings of fruit daily.

Why so many? Fruits are full of soluble fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals for relatively little calories. Fruits help our body function at the cellular level and protect us from disease.

So what does a serving of fruit look like? A serving of fruit is one medium piece of fruit (like apple, pear, peach, or orange) or ½ banana, or 1 cup of melon or berries.

So how do you increase fruit intake?

  • Fruits make excellent snacks and many are fruits are easily transported (banana, apple).
  • Add fruit to a salad for a bit of sweet.
  • Incorporate fruits into other foods like oatmeal or yogurt to boost nutrients and fiber.
  • Have a fruit instead of a dessert.

If you’ve been successful at reducing added sugar and processed foods a fruit will taste amazing!

Category: nutrition