Monday Mission Update: Ensuring the Youngest Among Us Succeed in School and Life

June 10, 2019

Each year about four million young children attend preschool in the United States and each year just 20 early childhood experts are chosen to verify that the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA) standards are being met at NECPA-accredited preschools around the globe! With this in mind, I am thrilled to share with you that not one, but two Y in Central Maryland associates were chosen as part of the NECPA verification team this year! Jessica Gobble-Reil, a Y Regional Preschool Director located at our preschool at Riverside (Harford County), was asked to evaluate a preschool in Virginia (the second time she has been so recognized by NECPA for her expertise) and Bob Smith, also a Y Regional Preschool Director who is located at the Betty Sterner Preschool in Catonsville, was asked to visit and evaluate a preschool in Madrid, Spain!

Rather than try to summarize their experiences, I will let them each speak for themselves.

Here is Bob Smith's take on his experience in Spain:

"I was chosen to be a NECPA verifier, along with Jessica Gobble-Reil, this past winter. Becky Zahn, Tracie Lefevre and the team thought it would be a great professional development opportunity for us as well as an asset to the Y to have the NECPA knowledge and verification experience for our own centers as a resource. 

I was fortunate enough to be asked to go to Madrid.  Upon arriving mid-day on Saturday, I was able to have a bit of "down time" over the weekend to tour the city. I took in the sights around Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace and the city center Sol Square. On Monday I had the opportunity to verify an existing early childhood center for re-accreditation. The program was one of two programs in the "English for Fun" family. Jill Stribbling is the founder of the program that serves over 100 families teaching English to children and families who do not speak the language. The centers are beautiful and employ teachers from all over the world: Great Britain, Ireland, U.S., Italy, Australia, etc. The second center I was asked to verify was seeking its first accreditation and did very well.  Jill and I plan to keep in communication and to establish a partnership of sorts to share ideas and best practices in the early childhood field."


From Jessica:

"This is the second visit I have conducted as part of NECPA. Each center I have been to has allowed me to see our preschool work in a different light. We are able to see how programs operate from a quality, compliance and curriculum standpoint. These experiences give us opportunities to look within our own centers to see how we can improve and provide a better experience for our families. I will be going to Frederick, MD in July for my third NECPA verification visit."

Please join me in congratulating Bob and Jessica for being chosen as two of only 20 early childhood professionals in the country who are considered good enough to be part of the NECPA verification team! This is an outstanding testament to their professional commitment to quality and excellence in early childhood development.  It is also a shining example of what happens when there’s a decades-long organizational commitment to superior early childhood experiences for children from all walks of life.  There are so many people at our Y who should feel not only proud but also very much responsible for that legacy.  In my role, I can only thank Jessica, Bob and everyone who has committed their lives to ensuring that the youngest among us have the very best opportunity imaginable to succeed in school and life.

That is a legacy that can literally take you to one of world’s most beautiful cities, Madrid!

All the best,


John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland