Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Y: Our Challenge and Opportunity

Volunteerism, Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Y

With all the uncertainty in the world today, what is it like to grow up in a world where even being in school may not feel safe? What if you add the extra strains of poverty into this picture? You know the answer. It’s not good and its effects spiral beyond the child to our entire society. A mentor can be like an emotional shield between an innocent child, and an often unforgiving world.

It costs $167 a month to support a mentor/mentee match through Big Brothers Big Sisters at the Y. Currently we are funded to provide professionally supported mentors for 450 youth in central Maryland, but there are many more children on our waitlist, hoping for a match. Supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring is a tangible way to help change a child’s life forever.

We are trying to raise the funds necessary to get kids off our waitlist and into an immensely valuable mentoring relationship. Will you be a part of this? Can you help sponsor a match? Please give what you can. Every dollar counts and extends an empathetic and warm hand to a child in our community who is waiting for one. Thank you.