Monday Mission Update

Hill Splash Pad Groundbreaking

Last Wednesday under appropriately bright, sunny skies, we broke ground for the new splash pad at the Hill Family Y in Westminster. As photos below will show, the event was summer themed with beach balls, rubber ducks and a summer song performed by a group of little "Chipmunks" who came over from the nearby Y preschool to help mark the occasion!

At 4,200 square feet, the splash pad will feature multiple squirt and spray spouts, water mushrooms and cloud mists, and will be the first of its kind in Westminster. The splash pad will be open to Y members, campers and other program participants from Memorial Day through mid-September.

With other volunteers, members, kids, families and Y associates on hand, we heard from our Association Board Chair, Alan Cason, as he wistfully and humorously recalled his childhood running through open fire hydrants, noting that was as close as he came to experiencing anything as fancy as a splash pad. As Alan remarked, "this is not only at least equally fun, it's also legal" (he is, after all, a lawyer)!  We also heard from Greg Kahlert, President of the Kahlert Foundation, who made the lead gift enabling the splash pad. Greg commented on how excited his foundation is about "partnering with the Y and helping to bring something that will create so much good, healthy summer fun for children and families.”

Many thanks to Greg and the Kahlert Foundation, Martin K. P. Hill and family, as well as Carroll “Splinter” Yingling for contributing generously to make the splash pad possible.  Their support will enable so much fun for so many kids this summer and for many summers to come in Westminster!

Thanks also goes to Mike Walters and his great team at the Hill Family Y, Cheryl Rosendahl, the director of the Y Chipmunks Preschool, and the sweet and talented group of preschoolers (and their families) for helping to perfectly mark the occasion with a summer song, our Carroll County Community Leadership Board, and to Deborah Crites for superb planning of the event.

All the best,


John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland