Monday Mission Update

Today's Monday Mission Update is simple and straightforward.  It’s a poignant reminder of just how important our work is.


Take, for example, this comment from a member:


"My life was changed when I joined the Dancel Y. The people are so kind and helpful. Lost a lot of weight and feel great. Couldn't have done it without their support."


​While this was written by a member reflecting on her personal quest to get physically healthier, the sentiment applies to everyone experiencing a Y program and/or walking through our doors. Every single day we have literally thousands of “moments of truth” with people throughout the region, every single one of which represents an incredible opportunity to do something good and, perhaps, memorable.


Whether with young children gaining confidence as young learners, kids accepting new challenges in our summer and after school programs, students in our Community Schools gaining the extra supports they need, volunteers stepping out of their comfort zones to mentor young people, we all are fortunate to have endless opportunities to create a positive moment of truth with people from all walks of life.


All of these experiences rest on the expertise, dedication and supportive environment created by you, our superb Y associates. YOU are helping to shape lives every day. You are meeting people where they are at and helping them get to where they want to go. Every warm greeting, every gentle push, every door opened, every inquiry quickly and professionally answered, every great class led, every event and program well planned and effectively promoted, every healthy experience enabled, every patient explanation, every book read, every challenge overcome, every new skill taught, every grant written, every dollar raised, every process improved, every ounce of energy, love and support - it all adds up to a better community.


No machine or automated system can ever achieve the kind of impact reflected by the member who shared the comment above. You all are responsible for the success of this member and countless other participants and members like her and I can never thank you enough for your work, but I will always try!


Thank you! 

All the best,


John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland