Mealtime with Molly: Red, White, and Blue

Mealtime with Molly

Dietitians everywhere are famous for saying eat the rainbow to emphasize the wonderful nutrients obtained from a diet diverse in fruits and vegetables. Today, lets focus on red, white and blue! Tomatoes. White peaches. Blueberries. All of these nutrient dense superfoods are available locally at this time, which means maximum flavor and maximum nutrition.

Tomatoes. So many varieties, so many wonderful ways to use them, and so.much.nutrition. They are also a fantastic example for flavor comparison between picked from the vine locally in July ripeness to the pale pink slivers shipped halfway across the globe served on restaurant sandwiches in January. Both the flavor and the nutrition are so much better when produce is picked at peak ripeness and eaten immediately. So you’re sold on deliciousness. Let me give you a few key nutrition facts so that you indulge in tomatoes for the next couple of months. A ripe medium tomato has only 22 calories but offers 1.5 grams of fiber, Vit A, Vit C, potassium, and folate. As well as providing an abundance of phytochemicals and polyphenols which are powerful cancer fighters (lycopene might sound familiar).

White peaches. This delicate summer special provides 2.5 grams of fiber, Vit A, Vit C, niacin, and potassium for only 65 Calories. Fresh peaches are incredible eaten alone, but also taste great on top of yogurt or blended into smoothies. Peaches can be sliced and frozen in freezer safe bags or containers and enjoyed for up to 6 months as well.

Blueberries. Long promoted as a superfood the blueberry has enjoyed a reputation as a nutrition star for quite some time. 1 cup of blueberries is valued at 85 calories and offers 3.6 grams of fiber, Vit C, potassium, folate, B6, and the flavonoid anthocyanin which is a powerful antioxidant and brain protector. There is ongoing research on “blue” foods and their effect on brain health, specifically the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Blueberries can also be frozen for up to 6 months and enjoyed later in the year.

So, here’s to the red, white, and blue foods of summer and the 4th of July holiday.
God Bless the USA!

Category: nutrition