Have You Been Counted?

It may only roll around only once every ten years, but the census is of vital importance to the communities we serve and to the Y.

What’s the census you ask?

The census counts every person living in the United States. The results of the count impacts ten years of funding, representation and allocation of public services and infrastructure. It helps to determine funding for things like schools, hospitals, families in need and even Y programs.

An accurate census count is essential.

Communities of color, low-income households, immigrants, and young children are missed at disproportionately high rates. Being undercounted deprives many communities of equal political representation, as well as private and public resources.

You can help change this by completing the 2020 census when it arrives in your mailbox this month OR complete it online.

Once you receive your invitation, you can respond online, by phone, or by mail. It’s that easy and only takes 10 minutes. Be sure to count everybody including adults, teenagers, children and even babies!

This census, make sure you are counted!

For additional questions, please contact our Vice President of Corporate and Civic Engagement, Eric Somerville.

Additional Census Resources

Flyers by population
LGBTQ / Young Children / African American / Military and Veterans