
Y Monthly Monday Mission Update
Creating Social Connections Across the Y Community

Since the Stone Age, human beings have instinctively felt the need to connect with one another through whatever means we have had available. I know that readers of this Monthly Monday Mission Update who are under a certain age will not necessarily relate to a time when we had to do so without the internet or a smartphone.  Somehow, we all managed to communicate with others back then. Imagine that.

Connecting with others through storytelling, which is really how most of us communicate (whether we think about it that way or not), is a hard-wired human trait.  Although nothing will ever replace the primacy of actual face-to-face communication (at least in my view), the storytelling vehicle of choice today is unquestionably social media. As a father and a citizen, I do worry quite a lot about the impact social media is having on our brains, our social skills and on child safety.  However, as the leader of an organization that is all about community and individual connectivity, I am proud of how we are using social media to promote the kind of deeply authentic storytelling that allows the Y story to be told so compellingly.


Take a look:


Family in pool


pool instagram


Ward collage


hill food pantry

Just like any community, social media is a two-way street, so the next time you see our name pop up on one of your social media feeds, I hope you are inclined to give us a follow, a like or a comment! 

ymaryland tiktok




instagram ymaryland


ymaryland facebook


ymaryland youtube

All the best,

john signature

John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland