
Y Monthly Monday Mission Update – The Y Turkey Trot Never Fails to Inspire!


It’s fair to say that I’ve seen my fair share of  Y Turkey Trot Charity 5ks over the years. This event, which began over 20 years ago with separate events in Bel Air and Towson (back in those days, our Y was very decentralized and “branches” and their respective boards operated pretty autonomously), has grown steadily over the years, becoming the pre-eminent Thanksgiving morning event in the region, with participation peaking in 2019, only months before a certain virus shut the world down.

This year, we came oh so close to surpassing 2019’s high water mark, with 15,573 registrants (just 131 shy of ’19!). The fun and joy of this event never fails to inspire me, bringing friends and family together in a manner that parallels the vital role the Y plays in community building. There is just nothing quite like the site of thousands of people, many with kids and dogs in tow, and more than a few in colorful costumes, streaming out of their homes and cars on a crisp fall day to commune around exercise, friendship and giving back.

After accounting all of the revenue and expense involved, we netted around $770,000, vitally needed funds that support our ability to bring ever more people into Y community life, removing income as a barrier to access.  

Turkey Trot 2023 Collage Maryland

To me, this is way more than a race or singular event. It’s an affirmation of our common humanity and the ideals we all hold for health, family and belonging for all.

I’m so grateful to the volunteers, runners, donors, associates and sponsors who come together each year to make this magnificent event possible. Special thanks to this year’s lead sponsors LifeBridge Health, Johns Hopkins, Fulton Bank and the Orokawa Foundation. Your combined contributions make this magnificent event and demonstration of kindness and generosity possible.

All the best,

john signature

 John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland