
In the coming days and weeks, we are rolling out the Y’s new strategic plan, called All In On Community, which will guide our work through at least 2025. It is informed by a set of guiding principles set by our Board of Directors, followed by months of research and in-depth discussions with more than 200 associates, volunteers, members, program participants and other stakeholders. Some of the major challenges facing our community today form the backdrop of this plan, including the growing crisis of loneliness and isolation, the achievement and income gap, the many public health issues plaguing our community, and the increasing polarization and intolerance in our public square.

Fundamentally, All In On Community compels a focus on Y membership as our organizing purpose. The reason for this is that research shows, and the Y has long known, that belonging to a supportive, caring network of people in which everyone belongs and feels valued, is more than just a “nice-to-have.” It’s actually essential to good health and well-being. Indeed, in today’s world, Ys are truly one of those rare places where people from all walks of life gather; feeling welcomed, supported and connected to one another. That’s why we’re doubling down on Y membership for all as the unifying hub of Y community life.

That's what the plan says. In an almost uncanny though thankfully not surprising coincidence, it's also what Richard, a member of the Greater Annapolis Y in Arnold, shared via our member feedback tool:

"The Y is a very special place. The warmth - inclusive and community-oriented - that seems to define the Y, is not found ANYWHERE else in the world, as far as I’m aware.

We must protect this institution and use it as an example for all the others."

While I don’t think Richard was sitting in during our strategy deliberations, I do know that he’s hit the proverbial nail right on its head. He sees very clearly what it is that we try to bring to life every day for so many in this community, through all of the various programs and experiences for which we are responsible. Through our new strategy, we will be far more intentional in all of that work leading to Y membership, which we will be focused on making truly essential in the lives of the richly diverse community of people and families we serve.  

Be on the lookout for more details about our exciting new approach in the weeks ahead.

All the best,
 john signatute
John K. Hoey
President & CEO
The Y in Central Maryland