Alice Lium

Y personal trainerInquire About Personal Training

Philosophy: I welcome people just starting to exercise and those with limitations. Let's enjoy moving in a way that helps us become healthier, stronger, more flexible, and happier!

Certifications: Y-certified personal trainer, ACE Certified Personal Trainer



Robert Madden

Baltimore City Personal Trainer

Inquire about Personal Training

Philosophy: Schedule the time for healthy to happen then work the schedule.

Training Specialties:  Daily physical lifestyle movement, Sports specific training, Senior fitness, Weight-loss programming

Certifications: ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Fitness Nutrition


LaToyia Califf

Baltimore City Personal Trainer

Inquire about Personal Training

Philosophy: A healthy body creates a healthy mind!

Training Specialties:  Youth fitness, Weight-loss programming

Certifications: (ISSA) International Sports Science Association Certified Personal Fitness Trainer, ISSA Certified Nutritionist, (NETA) National Exercise Trainer Association Certified Youth Fitness Specialist 3yrs-18yrs