Becky Weaver
Inquire About Personal Training
Philosophy: I am passionate about teaching nutrition, exercise & lifestyle habits to optimize weight control and prevent disease as we age.
Specialties: Functional Training, Circuit Weight Training, Kettlebell Training, TRX Training, Health/Lifestyle Coaching
Certifications: ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE High-Intensity Kettlebell Certification, ACE Health Coach Certification, AFPA Holistic Nutrition Certification, ACSM Exercise Management for Chronic Disease and Disabilities (partial list)
Denise Wells
Inquire About Personal Training
Philosophy: My professional goal is to help others enjoy a more active, healthy & pain-free lifestyle so they can enjoy a better quality of life.
Specialties: Aquatics Pre/Post Continuum of Care, Arthritis & Senior Fitness, Swimming for Health & Fitness, Weight Loss
Certifications: Certified Aquatic & Personal Trainer, Certified Arthritis Instructor, AEA, Water Art, AAi/ISMAV, AFAP, ATRIC
Collin Kennedy
Inquire About Personal Training
Philosophy: Be the best you can be and have fun! Exercise can put you into a flow state and through movement you can enhance your mind, body, and soul!
Specialties: Functional Movement, Strength, and Mobility.
Certifications: American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer Certification
Gabrielle Collins

Inquire about Personal Training
Philosophy: The mind and body are intertwined. How you eat, move, and think greatly impacts your health. Finding a plan that you enjoy ensures the long-term success of a healthy mind and body.
Specialties: Strength and Conditioning, Sports Performance, Stretching and Flexibility.
Certifications: ISSA-Certified Personal Trainer
Zak Hardin
Inquire About Personal Training
Philosophy: No two people are exactly the same, that's why it is so important to focus on what works for you and makes you happiest.
Specialties: General Health and Strength Training
Certifications: NCSF Certified Personal Trainer
Spencer Shwetz
Inquire About Personal Training
Philosophy: Prioritize your fitness over the temptation to lounge on the couch. Remember, it’s either one day or day one; the hardest part is simply showing up.
Specialties: Bodybuilding, Nutrition, Plyometrics, and Calisthenics
Certifications: ISSA-Certified Personal Trainer, ISSA Bodybuilding Specialist